Proofreading Team

I have a confession to make – I am not the best “detail person”.  It took me 4 days to realize my husband painted the car.  I don’t always notice if my kids change clothes halfway through the day.  And, I’m known to miss a period or misspell a word in some of my teacher resources.  For example, in my Christmas Centers Packet, I found 4 errors (one was found by a Fabulous Raki’s Rad Resources Follower).  Now, I am always happy to fix errors that I miss and resend them FREE of charge, but I know everyone would appreciate it more if the errors were gone ahead of time.  So, I decided to make it my New Year’s Resolution to find those errors and get them fixed.  I also decided I need some help.  So, I’m introducing the Raki’s Rad Resources Proofreading Team.

In order to get rid of all of the errors in my products and product descriptions, I am enlisting the help of you – Fabulous Raki’s Rad Resources Followers, and I’m willing to give away my store in exchange for your help!  Every product you are willing to proofread for me, you will receive completely FREE.  I’m even going to let you choose which product(s) you want to proofread!  (Each product will only be eligible to be proofread 2 times.)

By now, I hope you’re asking yourself – How do I sign up?  Here’s how:

1.  Fill out this form, giving me your contact information, so I can add you to the team.


2.  Go to my store and find the product you want to proofread (and get for FREE).  Use this form to proofread the product description. 

3.  Email the form to and I will send you the teacher resource as it is listed right now.


4. Use this form to proofread the teacher resource.


5.  Email the form to with the corrections.  I will then make the corrections and send you the updated teacher resource.










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